X SELECT Store by Jiyi Space Design
May 20th, 2021 – By Promostyl
X SELECT Store by Jiyi Space Design
X SELECT is one of the many stores of Xinsely, a high-end brand wholesalecompany. Based in Chengdu, China, in one of the city’shigh-end shopping malls, the store chosen by the Chinese brand offers 260 square meters of space. To do so, Xinselycalledupon the local architectural firmJiyiSpace Design, in order to create a setting adapted to the range of productschosen.

Presenting first of all a soberinterior design, the decorationisembellishedwith iridescent steel volume, coveringsomewalls, floor and furniture. Geometricallyshaped, no element of the decorleaves room for rounding, giving a strict and linearside.

In bronze tones, the colors warm up thisrigorousatmosphere, and allow the visitors to appreciate the productsplaced on bothsides of the store, leaving a space of freedom in the center. Like an exhibition, thisretailspaceisdesigned to stroll and marvel, welcomingcustomers in a futuristicstreetatmosphere.