Clear Fashion: the mobile app to choose clothes that are kind to people and the environment
What lies behind the clothes that we sometimes buy in a frenzy without really thinking about it? This is the question that the Clear Fashion app attempts to answer, deciphering brands and their production methods at a mere click on your smartphone. Here’s how.

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A revolutionary app
Keen to discover what hides behind the clothing labels and names that we so often frequent? With Clear Fashion, you can now obtain an analysis of the commitments made by over 70 brands according to four themes: human, health, environment, and finally animals. How? Simply by taking a photo of the label of the garment that you want to decipher.

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A first level of information will offer you a general overview of the brand’s commitments in terms of composition, practices and labels obtained, while a second will give you more information about the brand’s maturity concerning each criterion in each theme. A must for comparing pieces and choosing those that best correspond to your values!

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A committee of renowned experts
But how does it work? Clear Fashion has constructed an independent evaluation method, created by means of consumer surveys, as well as numerous discussions with renowned experts on the themes assessed, whether sociologists, chemical engineers or textile supply chain professionals. Together, they have defined five major principles of analysis.

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Rigorous analysis principles
First of all, the “big picture” aims to assess the level of responsibility of brands and clothes for all the chosen criteria: humans, health, animals and the environment. Then, an independence principle offers a reminder that a brand holds no influence or decision-making authority over how the score is reached, based solely on the scale made public to users. In addition, with a view to continuous improvement, Clear Fashion regularly takes into account feedback and limits highlighted by users and reworks its methodology with the help of the committee of experts.

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Moreover, when they cannot obtain any information about a given criterion through their research and contact with a brand, the app considers this to be a potential risk. This fourth principle is followed by the final one: goodwill. Clean Fashion only incorporates information concerning current policies, practices and collections rather than forecasts or future commitments. At any time, each brand can contact them to update its information and amend it as soon as possible. In short, the right to a second chance.
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