BOTIMYST: the new Clean beauty e-shop

“Good for you and the planet” is the slogan of the new French retailer specialized in “worry-free” beauty products. Freshly launched in November 2019, Botimyst was founded by Carole Ballerini, drawing on her experience garnered (in chemistry and marketing) in the beauty world.

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Retail space flexibility while respecting resources

We currently live in a constantly changing and moving digital world in which brands never stop communicating about and rethinking their offering. As such, retailers must rework the rhythm of their stores, like by hosting temporary installations and events, without devoting new resources and materials to each staging…

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Daniel Lee has been delighting and surprising the fashion sphere with Bottega Veneta’s new image for just over a year now. Appointed creative director following on from Tomas Maier after 17 years, Daniel Lee has met the challenge with flying colours, successfully reviving the house.

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Simple routines or daily care

For some time now, a routine approach has established itself in new beauty care. Brands no longer sell a single product but a routine, allowing them to become a firm fixture in consumers’ everyday lives and bathrooms with several products at once.

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