The Lenzing company specialized in the ecological fiber
March 11th, 2021 – By PROMOSTYL
The Lenzing company specialized in the ecological fiber
The LENZING story begins in 1890 in Austria, the company is specializes in the wood pulp production and paper. From 1938 the company extends its activity by starting the production of Rayon Viscose. In 1975, the company developed the Biorefinery for a more ecological production of celluslose and cellulose fibers.

The biorefinery technique consists in using renewable source material wood as universal replacement for non-renewable raw materials. The energy contained in the wood is used to operate our facilities, making them almost fully energy self-sufficient.

This concern for the environment led lenzing after several years of research to launch in 1990 a high-end botanical fiber: the LYOCELL, the TENCEL in 2000 and the recycling technology REFIBRA ™.

The company now has several production lines as TENCEL LENZING ECO VERO VEOCEL. Lenzing group is holding 1,274 patent applications and patents for a total of 215 patent groups in 49 countries.